Grace Beyond Building Calvary Church, Grand Rapids

A New Way of Cleaning and Sanitizing
In 2016, Calvary Church, Grand Rapids, Michigan, heeded the call to expand its ministries and launched the Grace Beyond Building Project, a multi-year project that would grow the facility from 170,000 square feet to over 220,000 square feet. The project proved to be the perfect time to elevate their cleaning paradigm and create a safer environment for both their employees and the more than 8,000 worshippers they welcome each week, especially the children.
Brian Novak, Calvary’s Custodial Team Leader, proactively pressed the initiative to limit toxic chemical exposure for everyone. According to Novak, “We wanted to reassure parents that the facility offered high grade cleaning without exposing their children to harmful chemicals. Grace Beyond offered the perfect opportunity to pursue our desire to go truly green, especially in their children’s ministry area, but also throughout the building including the sanctuary, kitchen, and restroom facilities.”
Calvary started with a trial of the PathoSans system that quickly turned into a new way of cleaning andsanitizing. “What really appealed to me was that PathoSans solutions are simple to use and require no mixing. Our custodial staff are experts in cleaning but the PathoSans system is simple enough that even volunteers can use the PathoClean and PathoCide solutions to keep areas clean and sanitized in between professional cleans. With children, dirt, food and drink, runny noses, diaper cleanups, restrooms, germs and illness are every day challenges. Childhood illnesses can spread quickly when everyone is sharing a classroom space. Regular cleaning and sanitizing with PathoSans solutions has madea huge difference.” All classrooms have charts with simple instructions on how to use the solutions and there are bottles plus microfiber cloths in each room, encouraging regular use by the volunteers.
“Our custodial staff are experts in cleaning but the PathoSans system is simple enough that even volunteers can use the PathoClean and PathoCide solutions.”
Today PathoSans is used on carpets, floors, polished concrete, glass, and more throughout Calvary Church including in the kids’ area, welcome and visitor center, kitchen and banquet areas, restrooms, and the sanctuary. With PathoSans, Calvary’s facilities are cleaner than ever with less toxic chemical exposure and a safer environment for staff, volunteers, and visitors.